
Nothing but anguish lives in this soul:

Tell me, invincible one, will you never let me reach my goals?

Will you not consider leaving me intact and whole?

Just once, unescorted, let me go on a stroll?

I dread, unflinching one, on my health, yet again, you will take a toll

Now I feel helplessly confined as though tethered to a pole

I hope you won't mar what I think is my written dole,

Wouldn't "Au revoir, Auf wiedersehen" you'd like to be told?

Why does this heartache on me have such a hold?

Makes me perceive I'll never be able to get to the road

That I'd like to follow on with all my bold,

To set foot on the land of perpetual joy and gold.

by Harmehma Bagga

Picture credits: via Google Images


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